Tuesday, April 1, 2008

School Daze

As I was putting in my time on the treadmill today; the local news affiliate broke in with the following story. Nine third graders at the local Elementary School had cooked up a plan to kill their teacher. WTF...these kids are 9 years old and they are cooking up murder plots. Said juvenile delinquents brought the following things to school to pull this off: what appeared to be a boning knife, a big cut glass/crystal paperweight, handcuffs, rope, sticks, and other things I couldn't make out from my vantage point.

For those of you wondering what the teacher did to incur such wrath she did the following; she asked one of the kids to stop standing on a chair in class. She had the gall to ask to a 9 year old to do something that said 9 year old should already know to be inappropriate behavior.

I can't wait to see how the parents of these students are going to try to spin this. I'm sure that this will somehow be the teacher's fault. That she shouldn't have had behavioral standards in her classroom. These would be the same parents calling for her resignation if the "precious angel" had cracked his/her head open falling off the very chair she asked him/her to stop standing on.

The school district has suspended said juvenile delinquents. I hope that these kids are on the fast track for expulsion. Premeditated murder plot of a teacher in combination with putting all of the other kids in the classroom at risk for who knows what. Enjoy that wrap sheet that will haunt you until you're 18. Way to go geniuses you just made your life unnecessarily difficult.


Unknown said...

Are these in the same district you are trying to get a center set up for? If so, do you need to offer a session specifically to deal with these amazing delinquents! Don't stand on a chair...are you kidding me!

Jezcabelle said...

Bloody Hell - these are the bits & pieces that bring to the surface the degeneration of our society.

Unknown said...

I saw the story on Matt Lauer (as the little men call the Today Show) I only sort of got to hear it due to 2 small people fighting (already!) I am still in shock about things like this happening...where is this town? Is is suburban like where we were or more/less urban? Not that that makes a difference, I just want to know. Well if there was anyone in the district who was questioning their need for an alternative placement should now definitely be silenced!

Shannon said...

This is horrifying.