Sunday, April 27, 2008

Exercise in Futility...or How We Tried to Make Fondant

While I was on vacay at my brother's, we attempted to make fondant from scratch. This exercise in futility was born out of Jay's new found love of cake decorating. So, Jayzer went on-line and found a recipe for fondant on Wiki-DIY.

Recipe for Fondant
1 bag o Marshmallows
2 lbs of powdered sugar
Some H2O
Flavoring if so desired

The directions are pretty straight forward. Nuke the marshmallows and then knead in the powdered sugar. This somehow turned into a hot mess. It takes forever knead in two lbs of powdered sugar...even if there are 4 sets of hands doing it. Then once you let the stuff sit for a needs more sugar.

The most insulting part of this process was that when we were done the crap tasted like circus peanuts!!!

This could possibly work in real life. I wouldn't do it by hand. Jay and I figured out that you could make it with the dough hook in a v. strong stand mixer.

When all was said and done there was much laughing and eating of naked cupcakes.


Unknown said...

I don't think that is a real recipe for fondant..I think that is someone's shortcut of some kind that is just bad...but what do I know really?!!

Unknown said...

Foodnetwork recipes included sugar, corn syrup and water or more complicated ones required glycerin and shrtnig in the mix as well as corn starch but no marshmellows...Jay must be slightly insane, but that is why we love him!