Sunday, April 13, 2008

My wacky brother

My brother is a one of a kind type of guy. He's in the Air Force, married and has two boys. He can appear to be a little intimidating with all of his tattoos. He's a don't judge a book by its cover type.

Jay goes to parent teacher conferences and school plays. He's a very talented artist. He does homework with his sons and takes them to the library. He's in the process of learning Japanese. Not what you'd expect from a guy who looks like Buddy Holly's evil biker twin; but that's my brother.

Jayzer's new obsession is cake decorating. It doesn't strike me as completely odd; our mom is a insanely talented cake decorator in her own right. He made cupcakes for Dee Dee's, youngest son's, birthday and has been going strong ever sense. When he called me last night he informed me that while I am down to visit them at the end of this week, we are going to make fondant from scratch. Apparently it is a two person job and I'm the second person. He is now inventing reasons to make and decorate cupcakes, his preferred medium.

He wants to take a class at the Michael's down the street from the base. I may have that be my birthday present to him this year. The though of my punk rock brother in a cake decorating class with the soccer moms and the blue hairs amuses me to no end. I may need to be the catalyst for that to take place.


Unknown said...

Yay Jay! There are some really amazing cupcake books available right now, check those out too. Since watching Ace of Cakes I can totally see Jay doing something like that! Plus his boys would love it....just make sure he is using great cake recipes too.