Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let the People Vote

I love politics and not in a subtle way. I love politics madly and deeply; like the way you love the boy you parents won't let you go out with in high school.

This election season is my intellectual crack. I can't get enough of it. I track it on the Internet. I watch the talking heads on TV. I even read about it on the road in the complementary "Weekly Reader for Adults" that the fine Hilton Family of Hotels leave on my door when I'm travelling.

Being this kind of geek; I was more than surprised that the primary in my adopted home state of Ohio counted. I was all ready to be an afterthought after "Super Duper Tuesday" in February. Yet, the political gods smiled on me and let my vote count. Then a funny thing happened; the elections that day set the stage for everyone else's votes to count. Good Times!!

I am now super disappointed in Sen. Leahy of Vermont, who's state has already voted. Apparently, he has come down with a case of the "my vote has been counted so screw you" itis. Rather than have one of the most exciting elections ever; he wants to kick some one out of the sandbox...keeping in mind that neither candidate is going to have the number of delegates needed to win outright.

On behalf of the states that still have primaries and caucuses...Everyone stay where you are and let the people vote. Do not deny them chance to voice their opinion or the opportunity to cast an historic ballot.


Miss B. said...

I agree with you. I actually think that everyone should vote in the primaries on the same day, so that the people in say Pennsylvania get the same choices as those in Iowa!! And no one is tainted by who everyone else likes, etc.

I really love your blog. I love that you post often and about so many different things. You are inspriring me for my own!