Friday, March 28, 2008

I Hope You Haunt Your Parents

An 11 year old girl from Wisconsin is dead because her parents are idiots. She died of totally treatable diabetes because the afore mentioned whack job parents of hers believed that "All healing came from God" and not doctors. This kid hadn't seen a doctor since she was three. When the ketoacidosis, too little insulin in the body, left her listless the parents chose to be "fast in prayer" rather than take their daughter to the hospital.

Time for a little self disclosure. Right above my head as I sit at my makeshift desk is my undergraduate degree. If you knock the dust off of the glass you can read that I earned a Bachelors of Arts in Theology. Also, through a series of car wrecks that I was in during my early 20s; I have a disproportionately large piece of scar tissue on my pancreas. That means my pancreas doesn't always work as well as it should. I don't feel like I'm speaking totally out of place. Here's how this works for me...when my pancreas is leaning toward the "I don't feel like working" side of things for more than a couple of days, I get my ass to the doctor. Do you know why I do that, is because I don't believe in, it is because this shit can kill me and I don't want to die.

The parents are saying that they aren't worried about the impending investigation because they know they didn't do anything wrong; apparently not seeking routine medical attention for your youngest child isn't wrong in their book. If there is a proverbial God in the sky, the state of Wisconsin will take away your other children and throw your asses in jail for neglect and manslaughter. Plus, should you become sick while rotting away in your cells...pray on that.


Unknown said...

I do miss seeing you everyday, and it is thoughts like this that make me miss it. That is why I love this blog so very much.

Holly Jolly Christmas (HJC) said...

Jules, this story just absolutely sickened me the other night... especially after catching part of Nancy Grace's show about it and hearing the symptoms and how much she suffered in her last days. For all intents and purposes, they might as well have just murdered her. This is no better.

Seriously, I take my dog to the vet over any little thing - there's NO way in hell I would let my child suffer for even a minute. And I'm not even a nurturing mothering type - so wtf?

Thanks for posting about this - and indulging my rantings.

Jenny Brazil said...

This story was disturbing. And unfortunately, Wisconsin law says parents cannot be accused of abuse or neglect of a child if they, in good faith, select prayer as a basis of treatment for a disease. When I heard that, I could have just screamed. Police are still saying that there may still be charges...there better be charges for this.

I think the other 3 children are still in the home, which makes no sense. I guess social services took them to the dr and then returned them to the home! Just crazy!