Friday, March 21, 2008

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It...

So, I've started my own blog. I'm not entirely sure how well this is going to work out. I've never been particularly good at keeping a journal. I do, however, excel at picking out journals. Stationers clamor when I walk into a stationary store; they can see the Lust in my eyes and the money burning a hole in my pocket.

I'm hoping that I will be able to keep this up. I travel a great deal for work. Travelling Monday through Friday can sometimes lead to being a lousy friend. It makes it difficult to keep in touch with people about the minutiae of life. Maybe, this is where blogging can fill in the gaps.

I'm not going to make any promises about where my convoluted brain will take us(I, your humble narrator, and you, good reader). We will all just have to see where the coming days take us.


Shannon said...

Yes, all the cool kids ARE doing it. Ha
ha. CJ will be happy you used minutiae.

I almost picked this template, by the way. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, all the cool kids really are doing it! Actually makes me consider updating mine! Looking forward to reading yours!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog Jules. Seems like a good idea to keep in touch with people while you're traveling. I also caught the use of "minutiae." :)

Javabooknut said...

Jules - I super heart you. This blog entry could have come out of at least a dozen of my own painstakingly chosen journals that also only saw a handful of entries. I keep convincing myself that a new journal will cure my bad habit of leaving them empty. Oh well.

You are the recipient of my "Friend Love" soul-mate of the day award!

And great use of minutiae!

Jezcabelle said...

Huzzah! - Welcome - So happy to see you here & looking forward to keeping closer tabs on your brain.

Thank you

Unknown said...

Amazingly glad that you have begun this! I can't wait to see what great directions your brain takes it will sort of be like seeing you again!