Sunday, August 31, 2008

News of the "Who the Hell is this Girl"?

I have decided to start running....I will wait for the hysterical laughter to subside before going on. I really have started to actually run; point a to point b. I have some friends who are some pretty hard core runners, and good on them for that. I don't think I am going to go that far...the constant swearing that takes place during said runs leads me to believe that isn't happening.

Since I am crazy task oriented girl, I am training for a 5k or 3 miles. Nothing too outrageous, but enough that I have to work my way up to it. My goal is to be able to string 3 miles together by October 19th and help out an non-profit whose work I am familiar with and am supportive of. This year is turning out to be quite the surprise. I haven't pegged one single, solitary (intentional redundancy) twist or turn that this year has taken; and that my friends is pretty damn awesome!


Shannon said...

Go Jules! You can totally do 5K by 10/19!!

Unknown said...

I am laughing out loud by myself at you!! I would love to hear more about the school year. Just can't believe you a runner!! but more power to you!