Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hot, Molten Week of Crazy

Now is the time of year where I pay for moving just far enough away from home that it makes sense for me to drive home for the holidays. If the weather cooperates...My mom has already said she will put the kibosh on my commute home for Thanksgiving if the weather is travels will go a little something like this.

Tuesday...Drive the 5-6 hours from Cleveland to Oak Hill with detour for lunch with Josh.

Wednesday...Putz around my hometown, dump cup of "Girlie" coffee on my dad's grave per my own tradition and try to avoid scene like last year, procure a new WVU T-shirt as I am swimming in mine, and hang out with my family while keeping my "No, I don't want a piece of (Insert Treat Here)" reflexes in full effect.

Thursday...Help with Turkey Day festivities, have dinner, drive the hopefully 4.5-5 hours from Oak Hill to Cleveland, sleep.

Friday...Pack for wedding and weeks worth of business meetings, take cab to airport, fly to New Orleans via Houston (Pray for Upgrade), track down shrimp po' boy, spend night in the French Quarter!

Saturday...Go to Cafe du Monde for breakfast, check out of "free" hotel, jaunt across town to wedding hotel with PF, Jeannine's wedding!

Sunday...Get all cobwebs cleared...walk around NOLA, take cab to airport, fly to Nashville via Houston (Pray for Upgrade), check in to The Gaylord, pass out from exhaustion!

Monday-Friday...endure Management Training Program, remind myself that this is for the good of my career, play well with others and be optimistic, turn 34.
