Friday, October 17, 2008

Jules Hearts the Library

I have always loved going to the library. My original library card is still on file at the Herbert E. Jones library in my hometown. I've probably spent months in that building if you add all of the time together. At one point it felt like I had read everything that there was to read in those shelves.

I loved the library at Wheeling Jesuit as well. I loved the fact that they could track down what ever books I needed. If there was an obscure journal article that struck my fancy the librarians could get it for me. I loved hiding in the back corners where the fiction lived...never was as happening a place as the research section; but it afforded pleasant distractions from my studies. I would not have a 10+ year love affair with Nick Hornby novels if it weren't for a copy of High Fidelity distracting me from writing my thesis.

My current library, Westlake Porter, is the number 2 library of it's size in the country. It is a posh suburban number. You could probably fit the library of my childhood in it twice. Even though it is shiny and state of the art...I love it as well. I love the room of new releases...all of these brand new books that I wouldn't pay any attention to at a book store catch my attention. Some of them are brilliant and some of them aren't my cup of tea. I love that 9 times out of 10 when I've mentioned something that I was looking for that they didn't have...they've ordered it.

I also love watching the people...watching them pick out their books; especially the kids. I generally don't have much use for small children that aren't related to me, but at the library I like them. I love how they are so excited for story time. I like watching them chew on their bottom lip as they are picking out the book they get to check out. Their tiny faces have such a look of concentration...that it makes me smile as I realize that I am making the exact same face.


Unknown said...

Where are you the election is one week away, I thought we could get a good rant in somewhere.