Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Might Need an Intervention

I'm having a bad day at work today. Apparently information I had been given in regards to being able to do my job has been incorrect. I have also picked up an additional 2 centers. It's just been raining badness all over me.

To make myself feel better; during my lunch break I took myself on a virtual shopping spree at . I spent 30 minutes looking at what was new and shiny; mindlessly placing things in my shopping cart. Each potion, lotion, and colorant that landed in my cart made me feel less panicky. When all was said and done there was $325.74 worth of stuff in my cart, and I had said no to the T3 hair drier (even though it would improve the quality of my life). Mercifully, I don't have that kind of money this late in the month or I would have played a game of chicken with myself over the things "I couldn't possibly carry on without." Clearly I am not well.


Unknown said...

whatever is going on at work, I know that you do a great job and would be more then willing to punch anyone in the face who makes you doubt yourself!!! Do i need to get some of our formers to come after these know our son and at least one Joe, Craig, a couple of Greenes and even an Aaron would probably back you. Now, if this does not put a smile on your face I am worried about you! And you did not admit to how much you actually spent...that could get you on your way to recovery you know....

Jules said...

I spent ZERO dollars. I had just paid all of my bills on-line earlier in the morning. I was good because I am broke as a joke until payday.