Monday, June 16, 2008

I do not...

...go to the gym to impress anyone other than myself. I go strictly for me. I go to the gym to build muscle, burn fat and sweat. I do not go to the gym to be sociable, although I have some gym friends that I exchange pleasantries with. I go to the gym to work off the massive amounts of stress that I am under from my job. Gym time is the hour or so a day that is all mine.

I do not get "pretty" to go to the gym; if anything I do the opposite. I wash my make-up off. I pull my hair back into as austere a ponytail as I can. I wear clothes that are utilitarian. I take off the nasty librarian glasses.

So listen here asshat...Just because I have my iPod on doesn't mean I can't hear you. If you want to see jiggling tits and girls in skimpy outfits...take your lame ass 20 minute work out to a titty bar. I'll spend my two hours working on something you'll never be able to get near!!!


Janna said...

YOU GO GIRL! You are my HERO!

Shannon said...

This is why I like going to the gym at 5 am - only the serious peeps there!

Jezcabelle said...

You know, you impress me. whether you mean to or not. Not just the amazing legs, stupendous breasts, & wicked smarts. I'm just sayin...

Unknown said...

I am going to laugh about this post for days!!